Chatfield and Keneally's original 1884 MooseMart.

MooseMart founders Elijah Chatfield and Col. Blanchard Keneally (ret.) pose outside the first MooseMart in February, 1884, with Trusty, the original spearmint pup.

MooseMart's Policies

About MooseMart
Thanks for visiting, your official Mike Keneally shopping source.
MooseMart has been partnering with Exowax Recordings since 1999  to provide the best darn Mike Keneally merchandise and service you've ever seen. We will be adding extra products and features over the next few months, so please come back regularly. You can contact us at:

Your Satisfaction's customer service goal is simple: we're committed to customer satisfaction. Contact us at if you have any questions or problems.You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.).
You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly.

Shipping Costs
You can view an estimate of shipping costs by viewing your cart. However, final shipping costs will be displayed on the Invoice you see before confirming your order.

Your Privacy is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell or disclose any information that identifies you to a third party without your prior approval. We may use the information we collect to periodically notify you about new services or special offers we think you'll find valuable. If you would rather not receive this information, you may send an e-mail to with 'unsubscribe' as the subject line. does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.